Wednesday 29 June 2022

Entering last phase of 3 years of Post graduation!

 I joined Lourdes on 29 th May 2019. Just a few more months left before I leave my department

and hospital. And then, Pop! Out into the real world.  There is a sense of peace

and calmness I experience while i work here, while I study here. There is a momentum that I

donot want to loose. A sense of security. A space to open up. A space to discuss. Few relations

that I made from here and life lessons that I learned. There is a weird feel I get when I think of

how life is going to be once I leave this place. I am so used to this routine -Waking up at 8,

punching before 8:30, rounds, discussions, classes, duties, department, and back to nightingale

hostel, few movies, eatouts and short trips. There was a sense of freedom I enjoyed in Kochi.

Life is never going to be the same again. Its a safe place, a closed space. Seniors used to tell us

that we grow close to department and madam as year passes by, and I get it now. A lot has

changed after I joined here, may be thats why post graduation period is crucial, about how it

shapes and moulds each one of us. Madam is not the kind of Head of the Departments I ve met

before, or will ever meet. She is more like a mentor. She is cosntantly worried about us,

motivates us, and guides us. She is proud of every student , and the littl

e achievements they

make in life. I hope i can make her proud someday.

(written on 31st Jan 2022)

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